Chad Broughman
Chad V. Broughman was the recipient of the Rusty Scythe Prize Book award as well as the Adobe Cottage Writers Retreat honor. Chad has published two chapbooks––the forsaken and slighted––through Etchings Press and is anthologized in On Loss, an anthology, Scribes Valley, and Write Michigan. His fiction is in journals worldwide, including Carrier Pigeon, East Coast Literary Review, River Poets Journal, Sky Island Journal, Pulp Literature and From Whispers to Roars. Chad is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominee, served as co-editor for the fiction/poetry blog, Café Aphra, and holds an MFA from Spalding University. Find him at www.chadvbroughman.com, Facebook.com/chad.broughman, Twitter:
@ChadVBroughman, & Instagram: